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  • Paul

A Challenge to Bigots

This is different to my usual blogs in both content and tone. It will be of little interest to most but I hope it sparks thoughts in people and elicits a response from those it addresses.

As I write this the western word has once again been rocked by news of another unarmed black man killed by police after arrest. There are protests all over the US and Europe and, sadly, there are those who are using justifiable public anger to loot shops, deface or destroy statues and monuments, attack police and even kill. The actions of these criminals not only has nothing to do with protests about racial injustice, they actively detract from the message by giving opponents ammunition with which to criticise the movement.

The current situation gave rise to the thoughts that prompted this blog but it is of wider scope than just racial injustice and inequality.

Racism is a form of prejudice and bigotry. It is one of the ugliest forms but such prejudicial views are also held, by a minority of people, in regard to gender, religion, culture and over any issue which divides people.

The purpose of this blog is not to investigate the reasons why such hatred exists but to express my challenge to everyone who holds such views. I firmly believe that all forms of prejudice are wrong. I believe that they are an evil that eats away at everything that holds our society together and, allowed to continue unchallenged, represent a genuine threat to the future stability of our society and to the safety of us all.

My response to this is to offer a challenge. I’m not convinced that anyone who holds such despicable views is likely to read this on my site, but here goes.

If you truly believe that you are better than people of a different colour, gender, religion or culture, simply because of the colour of your skin or your religion, gender etc, be a man about it.

Don't hide in the shadows and spread your bile in secret. Don't attack the weak and helpless.

Stand up in public and tell the world WHY you think what you do. JUSTIFY your beliefs.

Tell me why your skin colour makes you better.

Tell me why you think women are less than men

Tell me why your religion is right and others wrong.

If you can prove you are right, you might convince me.

And if you do not, if I still despise you because of what you believe, at least you will have shown your courage.

I speak now to all prejudiced people. To racists, sexists and bigots of every kind. I speak to anyone and everyone who believes they are superior, not by virtue of their actions but simply because of who they are.

And don’t pretend to yourselves, you know who you are.

Do you have ANY courage?

Do you have what it takes to stand up for your beliefs without the safe anonymity of the internet?

Are you so convinced of your superiority that you can stand alone, identify yourself without a hood or gun or gang behind you and take the consequences of your actions?

Or are you only brave from your armchair or in the safety of a group?

It is so easy to paint slogans on a wall. It is easy to Tweet or Facebook. It is easy to shout abuse from the safety of a group or join a rally of your fellows, all armed to the teeth.

These things are the actions of small-minded cowards.

My challenge is simple and entails no risk on your part.

Engage me in dialogue here.

Don’t spout abuse or vent your anger. Justify why you feel as you do. Persuade me of your position. Give your reasons and your evidence and explain why I should be like you.

If you are not able to do this, be honest with yourself and admit the possibility that you might be wrong.

Admit, in the privacy of your own thoughts, that your world view may be coloured by the opinions of others and that they too may be wrong.

I look forward to receiving your reply

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