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Questions for God

Updated: Jun 18, 2020

The following questions were raised by Alex O’Connor, better known as The Cosmic Skeptic, in one of his You Tube videos. I list them in the hope that religious believers from the three Abrahamic faiths will respond with some intelligent answers to promote discussion.

Dear God. Why would you;

· make the vast majority of the universe uninhabitable?

· bother to make the rest of the universe at all, if humans and the earth is your sole focus?

· wait 9 billion years after creating the universe to create the earth?

· wait a further 4 billion years to create humans?

· create all animals with the same fundamental building blocks, as if they were all related?

· give animals so many vestigial traits, such as 80% of a dolphins olfactory receptor genes being inactive, nipples on men, goose-bumps?

· if you are omniscient and know the future, bother with Adam & Eve and everything prior to the flood wiping out almost all life on earth? Why not just start with Noah?

· appear only to a small group of people and never appear again, especially given the current dwindling of faith world-wide?

· prioritise your own ego in the ten commandments, putting instructions about how you are to be worshipped above a rule not to murder?

· not include a rule for parents to respect their children alongside the one that says children must respect their parents?

· allow Satan to exist?

· harden the heart of the pharaoh, making him deny the requests of the Hebrews, only to punish him for having a hard heart?

· create a son to be tortured and killed to forgive men, when you could have just forgiven men?

I will add a few of my own.

Why would God;

allow rules to be written in his holy book that condemn a man to death for wearing to types of cloth, or working on the sabbath, or eating shellfish?

allow slavery?

allow men to believe it is right to persecute homosexuals, when homosexuality is widespread in the animal kingdom?

allow other tribes to settle and thrive in the promised land when he knew the future and knew he would be telling his chosen people to commit genocide?

allow men to commit horrors, in his name?

There are almost certainly many more, but I think the list is sufficient for my purpose.

I invite learned, intelligent responses to stimulate debate. But please, please, don’t just say that God works in mysterious ways. I want real answers, not a cop-out.

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